Namastey london movie Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama

Namastey london movie

Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama. Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his namastey london movie side and 75% Arabic and 25% African Negro from his fathers side. While Barack Hussein Obamas father was from Kenya, his fathers family was mainly Arabs. Barack Hussein Obamas father was only 5% African Negro and 5% Arab his fathers birth certificate even states hes Arab, not African Negro. Video of the celebrating it the street last night in DC. AMAZING! I was there! watch?v941d85S8NQ8 I am so proud to have witnessed this day in America. OBAMA ALL DAY! All I know is that this changes EVERYTHING. And what I also understand is that this man cant do it all by himself. Hell need our cooperation and we have to trust that he will do the right thing. Anything could be better than what weve had for the past 8 TALK! Ill pay higher taxes if that means well get out of this financial situation sooner than that Im having a baby, Ill pretty much be forced to particpate more actively in my matter where thatd know that there are certain sacrifices that we as a people will have to endure to make this country work in a way that it will benefit ALL of the people. Were fightin senseless wars we aint got no business we cant even battle our own in this country. We will all have to pay for Bushs his regime, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer and now the whole country is screwed behind it! Rich mofos complaining about PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMAs policy on raising taxes for those who is it? Over 250K a year? How many of us make that kind of money? There are quite a few across the country as a while that might not seem like much to the average person, thats just another reminder of how EXPLETIVE up things had to have been under Bush. Universal healthcare is long a bitch ready to move to Canada and become a ! TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THINGS HE HAS DONE!!!!! OUR PEOPLE CAME TOGETHER FOR A COMMON CAUSE!!!! BUT NOT ONLY DID AFRICAN-AMERICANS MAKE THEIR VOICES HEARD, WHITES, LATINOS AND ALL GROUPS CAME TOGETHER AND PUT THE BEST MAN FOR THE JOB IN OFFICE. I AM SOOO PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN TODAY AND EVEN MORE PROUD TO BE AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE THINGS HE HAS DONE!!! Ur talking but not saying a thing!!! watch?vDVQlJal801Q watch?vDVQlJal801Q Yes, Yes, yes!! I was so numb, as the numbers kept coming a lil nauseous, but in the I can say is to go to work, brothas and sistas! Cause Im black, u think I namastey london movie it? HISTORY IN THE MAKING AND I WAS APART OF IT!!! Woot! In the words of Chris Rock in Head of State, God Bless EVERYBODY ELSE!! contentId7794778 version1 localeEN-US I FEEL LIKE UNLIKE OUR PARENTS AND GRANDS WE CAN LOOK OUR CHILDREN IN THE EYES AND HONESTLY TELL THEM THEY CAN BE WHATEVER THEY WANT TO BE WITH OR WITHOUT A FATHER OR A DIFFERENT SKIN COLOR THEY HAVE A CHANCE TO BE SOMETHING AND DO THINGS OUR ANCESTORS COULDNT DREAM OF WE SHOULD ALL STAND UP AND GET OUR SHYT RIGHT NOT ONLY BLACK PEOPLE BUT AMERICANS PERIOD!! To a deluxe apartment in the sky. We finally got a piece of the pie. Fish dont fry in the kitchen; Beans dont burn on the grill. Now were up in the big leagues, There aint nothin wrong with that. SOO PROUD TO BE APART OF HISTORY!!! Im so emotional I dont know what to DO!!!!! but blog about it on my MySpace as SOON as I get home. Im s SPAM SPAM SPAM tight-eyed and sleepless today from all night! I feel that today should be NATIONAL NEGROS DAY OFFFFF! Obamas name is African Swahili NOT EXACTLY, Obamas name is Arabic and Baraka from which Barack came means blessed in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama. Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mothers side and 75% Arabic and 25% African Negro from his fathers side. While Barack Hussein Obamas father was from Kenya, his fathers family was mainly Arabs. Barack Hussein Obamas father was only 5% African Negro and 5% Arab his fathers birth certificate even states hes Arab, not African Negro. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!!! Have you ever seen Chocolate Sunshine? Im a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. watch?vDVQlJal801Q watch?vDVQlJal801Q We shall overcome some in my do we shall overcome some day I have been smiling and crying all night. Thank you to all of the people who went before us that made this day a reality! AND A INTELLIGENT PRESIDENT ALSO!! White people are trying to claim him as white t they remember the one drop rule? WOWWWW!!!!! My vote really did count!! I live in NC-the state that broke 50/50! At first I was mad when our state never turned blue, but I was even more happier when it never turned RED either. We have a lot of republicans here, but thanks to the turnout of first time democratic voters, we finally gave them a run for their money. Although many of us were discouraged with the lies saying that machines were broken and we would have to come out tomorrowtoday, which is a day late, computers were not pulling up our information as registered voterswhich made a lot of us have to re-register and jobs not allowing people to come in late or leave early to make the polls-WE STILL DID IT!!! So take that donkeydemocrat kick in your elephantrepublican ass!! I BARAKd MY VOTE-DID YOU?? Man this feels goooood!!! Black coffee-no sugar, no cream. STRONG! A country once segregated by whites and blacks; we now have a President that represents us both.

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